Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Possibility of Not Being Hit by a Falling Space Satellite

The possibility of you, or anyone, being knocked out by a 348 lb. satellite fragment is 1 in 21,000,000,000,000 (21 trillion) to be exact. The space junk was splintered into 26 individual chunks. Is expected to fall through the Atmosphere on Friday, the 23rd.
"Potentially, you could get out of the way," says Richard Crowther, from the United Kingdom Space Agency(U.K.S.A). "If you want to avoid the risk of being hit completely, then you need to go beyond 57 degrees latitude north. That's Scotland, or Quebec, CA. You can also go south (meaning further south than the southern tip of Argentina).
If I were someone in this situation, I would take this advise a bit seriously. When you think about it, a satellite that's falling and noone knows where it is going to crash. That is a very worrying idea! If I were you, I'd get out of the way!

roll over Einstein

  Researchers at CERN, a lab out side of Geneva, made a big discovery. A subatomic particle seemed to move faster than the speed of light. Scientists around the world are rethinking Albert Einstein and one of the foundations of physics. Now they are planning to put the finding to further high-speed tests to see if they really found a particle that goes at the speed of light.  The people at CERN will have to look at it father, But if this is true it might change the understanding of the world for some people. 

   Going faster than light is something that is just not supposed to happen.  According to Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity.  The speed of light — 186,282 miles per second.  has long been considered a cosmic speed limit. The team — a collaboration between France's National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research and Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory — fired a neutrino beam 454 miles underground from Geneva to Italy.They found it traveled 60 nanoseconds faster than light. That's one sixty billionth of a second, a time no human brain could register.

   I think that this is a remarkable discovery, because back when Einstein was alive he did not have that good of technology we have to day.  We also have a lot more resources than he did back when he was alive.       

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Heavy rain in northwest quadrant.

Hurricane Hilary pulled away from Western Mexico's coast line this weekend, nasa's TRMM satellite has monitored its rainfall.NASA's tropical rainfall is measuring mission satellite known as TRMM passed over Hillary on September. 26 at5:29 a.m. TRMM has the ability to measure cloud heights, witch indicate the power within a hurricane. Hurricane Hilary's heaviest rain fall was at the Northwestern quadrant, the rain was falling at 2 inches ( 50 millimeters ) per hour ( red ). Around the storm was normal light rainfall ( green, and blue ).

( 40 percent of U.S. hurricanes hit Florida, 83 percent of category 4 or higher hurricanes strike have hit either Florida or Texas.Pennsylvania's only hurricane strike between)

At 5:00 a.m. EDT ( 2:00 a.m. PDT ) September, 26, Hilary's fastest sustained winds was near 120 mph ( 195 kmh ). It was centered near 16.9 North and 112.2 west, at 440 miles ( 710 km ) South-Southwest of the summit of Baja California. Its moving away from Mexico to the west at 10 mph ( 17 kmh ) and has a minimum central pressure of 959 millibars. The Hurricanes center forecast says for Hilary to change course and take the northeast track. coming close to Baja California by the end of the week, but as depression. Forecasters and NASA satellites are keeping watch on Hurricane Hilary this week.

I think it's good that the hurricane changed course away from Western Mexico.
The only bad news Hurricane Hilary is heading to Baja California now.
All im saying is I hope the Hurricane dies out before it hits Baja California.

(A hurricane is a huge storm it can be up to 600 miles across and have strong winds spiraling inward and upward at speeds at 70 to 200 mph.)

The Falling Satellite

   NASA has been having a problem about a falling satellite. The satellite was launched in 1991. It operated for 14 years a bit longer than expected. NASA engineers and astronauts were suppose to go on a mission to retrieve the satellite. They had to end their mission because the shuttle was having problems. After Columbia blew up, they were trying to get more ideas to get it back to earth safely. Finally the satellite fell on Friday September 23rd between 11:23pm - 1:09am It feel on the pacific side of the coast .  
UARS is a upper atmosphere research satellite. NASA is a National Aeronautics Space Administration. In 2003 the space shuttle blew up in Columbia. Columbia was suppose to be one of the ships to retrieve the satellite.  
I thought its interesting how there was a falling satellite coming to earth I wouldn't want to be a engineer or a astronaut because it seems like a lot of work and consecration and I wouldn't want to be in earth for 14 years thats a long time. Its scary how the satellite fell down to earth and I don't remember hearing about that on the news

Masking global warming

According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the deep parts of the ocean may be able to trap heat on the bottom of the ocean. This heat may be enough to flatten global warming. Parts of the ocean layers more than 1,000 feet deep show where "missing heat" has been for almost a decade during global warming times. They also suggest that intervals like this can happen many more times within the century.
According to NCAR researcher Kevin Trenberth, heat must have been buliding up on earth. Scientist Meehl used a powerful software tool now as Community Climate System Model which tracked where the heat was going. Using the model skill to track heat and interaction with the air and other areas of the earth the did five global temperature simulations. During this period of time the average surface temperature decreased across the tropical Pacific. In the Atlantic the surface waters converge to push heat into the deeper oceanic layers.
I am not sure about a final decision at this point about oceanic heat which is masking global warming, but I can safely say we should find a way to stop it. Because the heat at the bottom of the ocean is so intense and has been there for a while this may have helped the increase the intensity of global warming and may cause it to be worse.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sandy Beaches

More then 650 miles of New England and Mid-Atlantic shore lines are being eroded 1.6 feet per year. The most extreme could be 60 feet per year. Beach erosion has occurred, because of unavailable sand, storms, human activities, and the rise of sea-level. In the past 25 - 30 years scientist saw a small reduction in the percentage of beaches eroding, because of restoration activities such as adding sand to beaches. Shorelines have changed in more than 21,000 locations.
Beach erosion is when wind, water, and ice take away sediments of land. When earthquakes occur on areas with steep slopes many times the soil slips causing landslides. Human activities have always been a main cause of land slides throughout the world. In California and Virginia have no rocks and it is eroding quicker then Maine's coast.
I think people should add rocks to beaches because sand goes a lot quicker then rocks go. Kinda like Maine's coast there is a lot of rocks unlike California's coast all they have sand and nothing els. That is why it goes quicker then Maine's coast. I think people should make this a bigger deal then it is because if we add sand to beach's that is not good. What if we run out of beach sand what will happen then? That is why we should make it a bigger deal.

Monday, September 26, 2011

350 pounds of danger.

NASA has been keeping a very close eye out for the 6 -ton satellite. They are predicting it will will shatter into 26 pieces, which adds up to 1,200 pounds, and will come tumbling down to earth. Overall the chances of it hitting anyone is 1 in 3,200. The heaviest piece is approximately 350 pounds. No one has ever been hit by falling space junk before. I feel like this is a very dangerous situation and is kinda scary to think about how someone in the world could be hit with no warning and lose their life. I also feel like in the future they should have something planned to prevent or help this situation harmlessly.