This rock was given as a gift to our state while former president Bill Clinton had just won his gubernatorial election(1978).Clintons staff was informed that the rock has been recovered and they were very excited, sadly the Clinton administration decided to keep the 40 year old space rock in the Arkansas Library safe, NASA's comment on this was that it should be in a museum were it can be seen for a lifetime.
I feel finding this historic rock is many things, but mostly I believe its a sign of a great achievement, an achievement that we thought we could never achieve but through the intelligence and technology of man kinda we were able to make such a venture. These moon-rocks were first found on july 16,1969 when Apollo 11 was launched, I took 2 to 3 days to get to the moon and when they finally reached there destination they only spent 21 hours 31 minutes on the lunar surface but they did manage to receive 21.5 kg s worth of space rock.