Friday, September 23, 2011

World with two suns

We have many planets in our galaxy one, Found by NASA's Kepler space telescope team. The planet Kepler 16b is orbiting two suns says the Kepler team. Kepler 16b is the first double sun planet that has been found using the transit method of spotting planets, this method detects dips in starlight triggered by a regular orbit of a planet in front of a star. Following a 229 day orbit the planet circles two"suns" smaller then ours these give off much less heat then our own. This leaves the planet at a tempature of -155 to -90 degrees.

A planet with two suns has always been a popular science fiction idea, but up till now evidence of these planets has been quite limited. There have been cases where a planet does have two suns during a stellar eclipse. There has been no other case where astronomers have gained direct evidence of a planet with two suns by observing its planetary transit (a miniature eclipse as a planet passes by a star.) Detecting this transit has made this discovery mush more creditable and gives more precise measurements of the planet.

I think this discovery is very interesting, its science fiction come to life. Its amazing what we can see in space now. Could you imagine going to watch the sunset and see two suns going below the horizon?