Researchers at CERN, a lab out side of Geneva, made a big discovery. A subatomic particle seemed to move faster than the speed of light. Scientists around the world are rethinking Albert Einstein and one of the foundations of physics. Now they are planning to put the finding to further high-speed tests to see if they really found a particle that goes at the speed of light. The people at CERN will have to look at it father, But if this is true it might change the understanding of the world for some people.
Going faster than light is something that is just not supposed to happen. According to Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity. The speed of light — 186,282 miles per second. has long been considered a cosmic speed limit. The team — a collaboration between France's National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research and Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory — fired a neutrino beam 454 miles underground from Geneva to Italy.They found it traveled 60 nanoseconds faster than light. That's one sixty billionth of a second, a time no human brain could register.
I think that this is a remarkable discovery, because back when Einstein was alive he did not have that good of technology we have to day. We also have a lot more resources than he did back when he was alive.